Click here to download a large list of Common Misspellings
The following are setup to only work within Vision 3 Con Mgr, and will only respond if typed in the case type of each hotstring trigger, and requires an end character before it will make the replacement. Note that the replacement text will be entered exactly as show, regardless of the trigger text case
This list of trigger characters tends to be letters that may be found in other words, and therefore need to be typed in a set way, so as not to react in the wrong place. For example, when typing "afraid" in lower case you do not want the AF trigger to react, as soon as you type "af"
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#ifWinActive, ,Consultation Manager
#Hotstring c
::ADR::adverse drug reaction
::AF::Atrial Fibrillation
::AFR::acute renal failure
::AIDS::acquired immune deficiency syndrome
::AKA::above the knee amputation.
::AMI::acute myocardial infarction
::APTT::activated partial thromboplastin time
::ARDS::acute respiratory distress syndrome
::ARF::acute renal (kidney) failure
::BMI::body mass index
::BNO::bowels not open
::BO::bowels open
::CT scan::computerised tomography
::ED::emergency department
::EMU::early morning urine sample
::EOD::end of day
::ESR::erythrocyte sedimentation rate
::EUA::examination under anaesthetic
::FH::family history
::GA::general anaesthetic
::h/o::history of
::IBS::irritable bowel syndrome
::ICU::Intensive care unit
::IDDM::Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
::INR::international normalised ratio
::IVI::intravenous infusion
::LA::local anaesthetic
::LD.::learning disability
::MH::mental health
::MRI::magnetic resonance imaging
::NAD::nothing abnormal discovered
::NAI::non-accidental injury
::NoF::neck of femur
::NPO::nothing by mouth
::npo::not by oral administration
::NV::Nausea or vomiting
::od::once a day
::O.D::right eye
::O.S::left eye
::O.U::both eyes
::OT::occupational therapist
::PE::pulmonary embolism
::POP::plaster of paris
::PT::Physical therapy
::PU::passed urine
::RA::Rheumatoid arthritis
::RN::registered nurse
::SAD::Season affective disorder
::SOB::shortness of breath
::SpR::specialist registrar
::STEMI::ST-elevation myocardial infarction
::TATT::tired all the time
::THR::total hip replacement
::TTA.::to take away
::TTO::to take out
::UCC::urgent care centre
::URI::upper respiratory infection
::UTI::urinary tract infection
The following are setup to only work within Vision 3 Con Mgr, and the hotstring trigger text is case insensitive, and requires an end character before it will make the replacement. Note that the replacement text will be entered exactly as show, regardless of the trigger text case
These trigger character tend to be unique and not found in other words, so can be made case insensitive
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#ifWinActive, ,Consultation Manager
#Hotstring *0c1
::A&E::Accident and Emergency
::ADHD::attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
::AMHP::approved mental health professional
::BP::blood pressure
::B-ALL::B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
::BKA::below the knee amputation
::CABG::Coronary artery bypass graft
::CMHN::community mental health nurse
::c/o::complaining of
::COPD::chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
::CPN::community psychiatric nurse
::CSF::cerebrospinal fluid
::CSU::catheter stream urine sample
::CVP::central venous pressure
::CXR::chest X-ray
::DM::Diabetes mellitus
::DNA::did not attend
::DNACPR::do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation
::DNAR::do not attempt resuscitation
::DNR::do not resuscitate
::DVT::deep vein thrombosis
::FBC::full blood count
::HCA::healthcare assistant
::HCSW::healthcare support worker
::HDL::high-density lipoprotein
::HRT::hormone replacement therapy
::i.m::injection into a muscle
::i.v::injection directly to a vein
::IVP::intravenous pyelogram
::LBP::low back pain
::LDL::low-density lipoprotein
::LFT::liver function test
::LMP::last menstrual period
::M/H::medical history
::M/R::modified release
::MRSA::methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
::MSU::mid-stream urine sample
::NCP::Nursing care plan
::NSAID::non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
::o/e::on examination
::p ud::peptic ulcer
::p/c::presenting complaint
::PRN::as needed
::PTSD::Post-traumatic stress syndrome
::PTT::partial thromboplastin time
::RNLD::learning disability nurse
::ROSC::return of spontaneous circulation
::RTA::road traffic accident
::R/O::rule out
::s.c::injection under the skin
::S/R::sustained release
::SLT::speech and language therapist
::TAH::total abdominal hysterectomy
::TCI.::to come in
::TFT::thyroid function test
::TKR::Total knee replacement
::TPN::total parenteral nutrition
::TPR.::temperature, pulse and respiration
::TSH::Thyroid-stimulating hormone
::U&E::urea and electrolytes
::ULN::upper limits of normal
::VLDL::very-low density lipoprotein
::VSS::Vital signs are stable
::VTE.::venous thromboembolism
::0ABDO::No abdominal pain
::0CARER::Does not have a carer
::0CHESTPAIN::Chest pain not present
::0CONTRAC::No contraceptive precautions
::0COUGH::No cough
::0DRIVE::Patient Advised not to Drive
::0FH::No significant family history
::0FHIHD::No significant family history of cardiovascular disease
::0FHDM::No significant family history of diabetes
::0FHNG::No significant family history of malignancy
::0FHBP::No significant family history of hypertension
::0FHCVA::No significant family history of CVA or stroke
::0FU::No follow-up arranged
::0LFP::left femoral pulse absent
::LFPOK::left femoral pulse present
::0LPP::left popliteal pulse absent
::LPPOK::left popliteal pulse present
::0LPTP::left posterior tibial pulse absent
::LPTPOK::left posterior tibial pulse present
::0LDP::left dorsalis pedis abnormal
::LDPOK::left dorsalis pedis normal
::0LPT::left posterior tibial pulse abnormal
::LPTOK::left posterior tibial pulse normal
::0MED3::MED3 not issued to patient
::0NAUSEA::No nausea
::0OEDEMA::oedema not present
::0PAIN::No pain
::0RFP::right femoral pulse absent
::RFPOK::right femoral pulse present
::0RPP::right popliteal pulse absent
::RPPOK::right popliteal pulse present
::0RPTP::right posterior tibial pulse absent
::RPTPOK::right posterior tibial pulse present
::0RDPP::right dorsalis pedis absent
::RDPPOK::right dorsalis pedis present
::0RDP::right dorsalis pedis abnormal
::RDPOK::right dorsalis pedis normal
::0RPT::right posterior tibial pulse abnormal
::RPTOK::right posterior tibial pulse normal
::0RVD::Medication review without patient
::0SOB::No breathlessness
::0SWALLOW::No problem swallowing
::0TEMP::temperature normal
::0VOMIT::no vomiting
Common Medical terms - using ending characters, trigger text is not case sensitive
The replacement text will be written in the format of the trigger code case entered (UPPER/lower/Title case)
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#ifWinActive, ,Consultation Manager
#Hotstring c0
::nocte::every night
::n.p.o::nothing by mouth
::NBM::nil by mouth
::p.r.n::as needed
::u.d::as directed
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