Excel Wizard Reports

Excel Wizards for Vision 3

All our Excel reports work with Microsoft Excel 2010 or higher.
These Excel reports connect to Vision 3 using the logged in Vision users account. Therefore please make sure that you download them to a folder where you use Vision, when on a hosted solution.

Full instructions about how to use them, and the search criteria used are written within each report

All these Excel reports are copyright protected

To use the Excel reports below you must have a valid licence. Please contact us to purchase a licence for your practice for £40+VAT

A licence may be used any number of times, by any number of users assigned to the practice. A Practice licence is annual.

Seasonal Influenza Invite & Vaccine Report 2024/25

This will provide a list of the different patient groups to be invited for Seasonal Influenza based on PRIMIS business rules (2024/25). Also showing the vaccine uptake though the months.

DOWNLOAD (Licenced)

   v3.0 Updated: 11/09/2024

Note: This report is free to all Smart Clinic users, which uses the same licence period.

  • Seasonal Influenza Images

    Dashboard View

  • Slide title

    OVER_AGE View. The 'AT RISK' sheet has exactly the same layout

  • Slide title

    Influenza GIVEN View.

  • Slide title

    Other Clinical Categories View. (Yellow Sheets). Each sheet has  exactly the same layout


Click on an image above to view more detail...

The only addition to the 2024/25 report is an update to all the clinical codes and the ability to include children in the AT RISK sheet using a checkbox option on the About sheet.

Working in conjunction with ViPC

Click here to view a video tutorial of the  Seasonal Influenza Invite & Vaccine Report


Wales Vaccination Claims

This will provide a list of specific vaccines and injections given within a date period for claim purposes.

  • Pertussis in Pregnancy - PERTUSIS_P (or DTAPIPV with read code 6556.00)
  • Adult Pneumococcal (PPV) - PNEUMOPOLY
  • Pneumococcal for Children (PCV) - PNEUMOCONJ, PNEUMOCONJ13, PNEUMOPREV13 (3rd Stage)
  • Men B for babies (age < 2y) - MENB Stage AND read code 657Q Recombinant Men B and OMV vacc
  • MMR catch up for patients aged 6-42 years - MMR, MR (or read code 65A, ZV064)
  • Shingles vaccination - SHINGLES, SHINGRIX 
  • Rotavirus - ROTAVIRUS (Stage 2)
  • Depo-Provera - read-code 65d1
DOWNLOAD (Licenced)

   v1.1 Updated: 30/09/2023 | Initially Created: 16/01/2022

Note: This report is free to all Smart Clinic users, with a valid licence. Please contact us to enable this report.

The Excel reports below are free of charge to use under the freeware licence agreement

All these Excel reports are copyright protected and subject to our freeware licence agreement

NI Influenza Claims Report

This will automatically complete the Submission sheet for Northern Ireland Influenza Claims


v2.4 Updated: 27/10/2021

COVID Vaccine Report

This counts the number of COVID-19 vaccines given and provides a comprehensive vaccination report for those that have (showing how many) and not had a vaccine. Detailing stages given, due date, allergies, patient demographic details, exceptions and future appointments.


v2.0 Updated: 16/12/2021

Clinical Audit Group Report

Copy patients from an audit or patient group list, and paste into this report which will add  demographic details, such as tel, mob, email, home address and future appointments


v1.6 Updated: 19/10/2021

GP Appointment Wizard

This imports all the appointment data between your set date range

The type of appointments can be defined by using the Slot Status option


v2.3.3 Updated: 29/11/2023

V360 Appointment Wizard

This imports all the shared care appointment data between your set date range.

The type of appointments can be defined by using the Count option.


v1.9 Updated: 17/06/2022

Anonymised Appointment Wizard

This imports all the appointment data between your set date range.

The type of appointments can be defined by using the Slot Status option, but it doesn't include any patient identifiable data.


v1.0 Updated: 01/05/2018

Daybook Tasks

You may choose between displaying a report of all outstanding tasks or completed tasks within a given date range.


v1.2 Updated: 06/07/2023

Deleted Drugs

This is a quick way to expose any deleted drugs from a patient record within a given date range, and show the details of what has been deleted, when and by whom.


v1.3 Updated: 20/05/2020

Open Exeter Uploads

Individually compile each vaccine with a paycode based on an age range and date search.

This will work across all Health Boards every year.


v2.1 Updated: 25/10/2021

Reprinted Prescriptions 

This is a quick way to show any reprinted prescription from a patient record within a given date range, and show the details of when the event occurred, by whom and documented reason.


v2.0 Updated: 20/05/2020

Controlled Drugs Analysis

This provides an exclusive search for controlled drugs only. You may specify a date range and registration status within the Excel report.

The final output includes some patient demographic details, including if patient is setup for dispensing, preferred pharmacy and extensive drug information. 


v2.0 Updated: 20/05/2020

Patient Reminders

Lists all the following reminders:

  • Manual Free text
  • Prescription
  • Appointment
  • Fixed Group
  • Group Applied

No clinical audit reminders are listed as they can be easily found within clinical audit.


v2.1 Updated: 26/02/2020

Preferred Pharmacy 

Report of all issued medication by preferred pharmacy within a defined date period.

This also adds the patients latest communication details.


v1.2 Updated: 02/04/2020

eGFR for CKD

This captures the last 5 GFR tests for all active patients (ignoring zero values) and highlights 2 or more consecutive results that are below a value that you can set within the Excel report.

It will also create a CKD register of patients, and show the last diagnosis


v1.2 Updated: 29/01/2020

Head of Household 

Compiles a list of patients using the family number in Vision.

Then sorts by age and leaves the oldest family member.

It includes patient details and address that will enable you to do a mail merge to the head of each household, rather than every patient.


v1.0 Updated: 21/05/2016

EPS2 Script Analysis

This report counts prescriptions not individual items.

It may also be used in non-EPS sites, but you have to ignore the EPS columnns

Note: For use in Excel 2007 or higher


v3.0 Updated: 19/05/2020

Staff/Employee Leave Tracker

This is a simple to use Excel report to enable you to track staff leave by type or by hour throughout the year.

Note: For use in Excel 2007 or higher


v1.0 Updated: 20/11/2021

Online Services Functions

Enable practices to search on any online service function set in the patient's registration module.
Search on functions; enabled, disabled or both statuses

Note: For use in Excel 2007 or higher


v1.3a Updated: 19/10/2018

Repeat Master Analysis

A list of all active patients Repeat medication. With a dashboard and data analysis tables, to show those on more than 10 items and top 20 drugs and drug classes (BNF) and more...


v1.2.1 Updated: 03/04/2024

If you need to get any of the patients listed in these Excel reports back into Vision 3 as a patient group,
use the Vision App "
Patient Group Import"

Excel Report Request Form

Submit your request detailing as much information as possible, and we'll get back to you soon
with our very best quote.

Excel Report Request Form

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