Smart Imms Clinic provides a world-wide portable method of being able to record immunisations anywhere, for anyone, on virtually any device that has internet access. This data can then be exported data back into your core system.
Note: It's not a patients immunisation history record. It transfers immunisation data securely and efficiently!
Smart Imm Clinic does not store any patient record details indefinitely. It will only store patient immunisation data that you have recorded within Smart Imm Clinic for up to 180-days. You must export this data at anytime before the expiry period.
It is recommended that as soon as the clinic is over that you export the data into your main clinical system as soon as possible, so that you always have up to date information in your main clinical system.
Once your account has been requested and setup, you will need to purchase vaccine credits from our store. These will be banked into your account and shown at the top of the side navigation bar. This will allow you to record vaccine data against your patients.
You will need to purchase enough credits to record the number of vaccines you wish to use in each clinic. Unused vaccine credits will remain indefinitely within your active account. When recording each vaccine, it will be deducted from your account vaccine bank.
Purchase vaccine credits at any time from the
store to top up your vaccine bank.
Smart Imms Clinic works in 3 simple steps to help provide all the information you need to run each clinic
:The recorded immunisation data will now be securely stored for up to x number of days which you setup
.Lastly, and any time within the set time period, you run vaccine reports that will export all the data in an organised format, so that you can simply bulk upload the data back into your main clinical system
.Note: You can run multiple clinics on different days and export the data for all the clinics
About Batch Details
This area is where you add the batch details of each vaccine you plan to use within your clinic. Batches may be added before or during the clinic, but we recommend adding before to save time.
Select the “Batch Details” tile on the dashboard or use the side navigation bar.
This will initially display your currently active vaccines.
Add a New Batch
Click "Add a Record" button, to enter new batch details.
Click “Add” button to save your new batch
Edit a Batch
When the batch details are listed in the main screen, click [edit] link to reopen the vaccine batch details.
Click "Update" button to save any changes.
View Active/Inactive Batches
You can toggle between viewing active and inactive vaccines by clicking the text reference at the end of the vaccine drop-down list.
This changes the text between "Show inactive" or "Show active" vaccines.
Set up your stock level warning
If quantities have been assigned to each batch, you can see the total vaccine stock level for each type of vaccine.
You may also set a minimum stock level warning that applies to all the vaccines.
Once a vaccine is below a minimum level, a message will be displayed in the patient record screen.
Note: As the vaccine quantity is optional, a batch will remain against a vaccine, as there is no set quantity to work with. Therefore each batch must be inactivated if it is no longer required.
Setup an Age rule based on drug name(s)
An age rule may be assigned to a vaccine type by assigning one or more drug names, which will automatically restrict the batches shown in the drop-down list with the patient record to those that match the selected patient’s age.
This helps record the correct vaccine drug names, makes the batch selections easier, and saves having to scroll past various batch numbers that may not apply.
The age rule may be overridden when in a patient record by clicking the text “Click here to show all batches”. This will then display all the active batch numbers assigned to the vaccine(s) regardless of any age rule.
A warning message will be displayed if a batch is selected that breaks an age rule.
Setup an Age Rule
To add an age rule, simply select all the relevant drug names that apply to the age you want to set.
Once the age has been defined you may set the patient age to be calculated from a specific date in the future, or leave blank to calculate the age as of today.
If a future date has been assigned, you can then set this as a rolling date, which will automatically forward the date to the following year, once it has been reached.
About Patient Lists
This section allows you to upload patient lists taken from your own clinical system and assign the list to a vaccine that needs to be administered to each patient on the list. This provides proof of eligibility when running the clinic within the patient record.
When uploading, you can append to an existing list, replace it with a new one, or clear a list.
Assign and upload as many lists to each vaccine type as you need to run your clinic(s).
*Always try to upload these patient lists as close to your clinic days as possible, to make sure you have the most up to date patient information.
Upload Format
You may upload patient lists that do not include a unique clinical system ID, but please be aware that a unique patient identifier (UPI) is required. If used within the UK a UPI (i.e. NHS/CHI/H+C) number will be mandatory.
Other countries will use their own method to uniquely identify a patient.
Use the “Upload File Contents” options provided to assist in the file upload process.
Each list to be uploaded must be in a specific format to upload it successfully. The order must be (from left to right) Clinical System Patient ID, Surname, Forename, UPI Number, Sex, Date of Birth, Postcode.
Upload a Patient List for a vaccination clinic
Once the upload is complete, the patient list will be displayed in the lower section of the page.
You may also perform a quick patient search on the list if you need to verifiy a specific patient exists in the list you have just uploaded.
Expiry days based on last upload date
The last upload date is displayed above the list of patients, which the archiving days will be based on.
Once the number of days has been reached it will automatically clear the list. Archiving days cannot exceed 180 days. You may set your own expiry day limits.
Once the list is no longer required or is out of date, you may clear the list by clicking the "Clear" button, or replace/append it with a new list, which will alter the last update date.
Upload a list of all your active patients
There are additional lists that a site may upload, such as Allergies and Practice List.
The “Practice List” is located at the end of the vaccine drop down list. This list could be:
Upload the file just like you do when uploading any vaccine list. Refer to the "Uploads" tab.
The reason for uploading patients in a practice list, is to enable you to perform a patient search, so that you can manually add vaccinations to their patient record. If a patient doesn’t exist in an upload list, they do not exist in the system and therefore cannot be found when performing a patient search. This is the purpose of the Practice List.
Note: When a patient is selected in the Clinic, and no vaccines are initially displayed. This will be due to the fact that the patient does not exist in a vaccine upload list. However, you can always manually add vaccines from a drop-down list that you wish to administer.
Upload a list of all patients with any type of allergy
The “Allergies” section listed under Patient List in the left navigation sidebar menu, allows you to upload a list of all patients that have an allergy recorded.
As this allergy data would usually be extracted from a clinical system, it must include a unique clinical system patient ID so that it can be cross referenced to the correct patient.
Once uploaded an allergy alert will be displayed within the patient record if a match is found.
Uploading Allergies
Share your patient lists with others
If you have sharing setup within your account with one or more other organisations, they will be able to use these uploaded lists to call your patients into their clinic sessions.
Any immunisation data recorded by the outside organisation(s) will be saved directly into your account.
All parties involved in entering vaccine data will be able to run vaccine reports to view the data that they have entered, as well as the actual account that the patient list(s) belong to.
Note: If a sharing organisation wishes to view a list of patients that have been uploaded by the primary account for a vaccine type, prior to clinic day, they can use the Search & Reports module Report Type and select "Vaccine not given" for each vaccine type.
View the "Data Sharing" section to learn how to setup a Sharing policy
Make sure you have vaccine credits!
You will not be able to record any vaccines until you have purchased vaccine credits, which will be displayed at the top of the Smart Imms Clinic left navigation bar.
These are shown as "Banked Vaccines:" and the number of vaccine credits in your account will be displayed here.
You can purchase vaccine credit bundles at anytime from our website. You can also append credits when purchasing more vaccines, so you don't have to wait for them to run out.
As soon as payments have been processed, the credits will immediatly appear in your vaccine bank account.
As you start recording vaccines in a patient record the credits will start to deplete.
With regards to sharing; the organisation that will be entering vaccine data will need banked vaccine credits.
Note: If sharing is enabled and the account that is uploading patient lists, isn't going to record any vaccines, they do not need any vaccine credits.
Searching for a patient
When you click on the Clinic text in the left navigation bar it will display the patient search screen.
This provides access to the patient record, by means of performing a search on the patient demographic data provided in the upload lists.
Matching patients from the uploaded lists will be displayed against the criteria you enter. The more patient criteria you enter, the shorter the results list of matching patients will be displayed.
Note: if you press the enter key, it will display the complete list of matching patients based on the current search criteria. You can then open the patient record from this list.
Patient Demographics
The patients’ surgery name will be displayed at the top of the record.
All the demographic data taken from the upload lists are also displayed, so that you can verify once again that you have opened the correct patient record.
There are 3 different allergy messages
If no allergy list exists (i.e. has not been uploaded by the practice), or has been cleared, it will display the text in the patient record as “Unknown Allergies” with no date reference.
If an allergy list has been uploaded, but the selected patient isn’t on the list it will display the text as “No Known Allergies as of <date of last upload>”
If the selected patient is on the uploaded allergy list, it will show an amber text “Allergy alert” button. If this button is click on, it will display all the allergies for the patient, and the date the list was last uploaded.
New allergies can be recorded by clicking on the “Comments” link (above the Save Changes button)
Note: that when viewing shared lists, the allergy date displayed will be based on the account that uploaded the list of allergies.
Entering vaccine data
If the record displays one or more vaccines in the table list with “Select…" in the batch number field. It means the patient is eligible for that vaccine, as they are included in an upload list for that particular vaccine.
Simply complete the “Select…” option fields and click “Save Changes” to record the vaccine data.
Vaccine credits will be depleted based on the amount of vaccines you have just recorded.
Then click the “Clinic” link in the left navigation bar to search for the next patient.
Note: If the vaccine fields in the table are greyed out/disabled, and show a batch number and vaccine name; it means that a vaccine has already been recorded for that patient. You can view the event date and the ORG Code that entered the vaccine if sharing has been enabled.
If you need to add a vaccine that is not currently displayed in the patient record:
This will subsequently display a [remove] link, if you change your mind and need to remove it.
There is a “Comments” link that allows you to enter any free text, which can then be output in a Comments report.
There are also checkboxes for “Referred to GP/Clinic” and “Clinical Judgement”, which can also be output in a report, within the Search & Reports module.
Please note that the [clear] and [remove] options will only function for the practice that recorded the vaccine data. Nobody can change data recorded under/by another organisation. You can only make changes against your own account data.
Clear vaccine data back to defaults
Changes can only be reset by the practice/account that entered the vaccine data.
Clcik the [clear] link set the vaccine fields back to there default settings. This allows for any errors that you may have entered.
Note: That clicking [Clear] and then reentering the correct vaccine data will not deduct another vaccine credit from the bank. As long as it has been recorded on the same day, against the same patient.
This module will compile reports and automatically export them in an Excel format.
There is also an option to create an "Anonymous report". This will simply exclude all the patient identifiable demographic data.
“Grouped by” options are based on grouping the unique elements of the vaccine data, to show then on individual sheets.
For example; all the different body site choices will be shown on separate sheets. Left arm on one sheet, right arm on another and so on. The same method applies to all the other options, so that you will end up with a sheet of data listing all patients that have had the same batch number, recorded on the same date, body site and stage.
The “Practice” option only applies if you have setup a sharing policy, and will group all vaccine data recorded outside your practice on other sheets, following the same grouped data rules. Therefore, all OHP vaccines (those with an ODS code other than your own) will be included if they have had the same batch number, recorded on the same date, body site and stage.
Primary Account Holder
The primary account holder details are displayed in this section, and all invoices will be submitted to this email address and user.
It is your responsibility to make sure that these account details are correct.
Should you need to change any details please use the Support link within your account area to inform us of any changes.
Setup Data Sharing
A sharing policy may be setup with one or more NHS organisations, who must also have an account with Smart Imms Clinic.
Both parties must enter the ODS/ORG code of the NHS organisation they wish to setup the share with. Therefore, site A will enter the ODS code of site B, and vice-versa.
A secret phrase is then agreed between both parties and entered in the relevant field, which is case sensitive. This uses the same policy as all passwords in Smart Imms Clinic (i.e 8 or more characters, must include at least one special, upper and lowercase character.) This can be an extremely long and secure password as the link only has to be entered once. For example: 06@r5ycTC04!7365 or a word phrase such as PinkEleph@nt2740. There are many free and very good secure password generators available to create very secure passwords.
When both parties have entered each other’s ODS code, and entered exactly the same phrase password, it will set the share status to Active = 1. So that both parties may now share any patient lists that have been uploaded.
A share may be revoked at anytime by either party, which will set the Active status to zero.
A sharing policy may be setup with a non-NHS organisation, but this will have to be setup by our support team. Please use the Support form within your account to contact us so that we can arrnage this for you.
Add additional users to your account
Additional users may be added to the account, up to the maximum number of user licences purchased.
If a user wants to change their password, they login and select Account Details. The lower section dislays the User Account information to reset their password.
If you cannot access your account simply click the "Forgot Password" link at the initial login screen This will send you an email verification to enable you to reset your account password.
Account Setup
Once your account has been setup, and you have verified the email address you provided, and setup your password.
Note: All Smart Imms Clinic passwords must be 8 or more characters, must include at least one special, upper and lowercase character.
You are ready to access your account via
Site Access
You will need your Account ID (which is case sensitive), your username and password (also case sensitive)
Account Inactivity period
10 minutes of inactivity within your account will automatically log you out. This is an NHS security requirement.
Locked Account
3 failed login attempts will lock the account. Another user that is able to login to your account can unlock another user account, or you can click “Contact Support” on the login page
Note: The same user can only be logged in at one time on each device. You cannot use the same user account to sign in across multiple locations. This is for security reasons so that your location can be verified.
Unmatched Login Attempt
If login credentials are not recognised at the login screen, the primary account administrator will be sent an email detailing the login credentials that were used. It will then be down to the account administrator to setup the account if deemed genuine.
We take your account security extremely seriously, which is why we adhere to strict security measures.
Therefore please make sure that you also protect your site access details.
We (our staff) will NEVER ask for you login credentials, so please
do not divulge them to anyone!
You may change your own password at anytime within your user account area.
All Rights Reserved | TailorMade Information Technology Solutions Ltd. Registered with the ico Ref No: ZB001681